Auschwitz Exhibition closes after receiving 200,000 visitors at.. - Auschwitz

‘Auschwitz’ exhibition closes its doors in New York after having received 200,000 visitors

Auschwitz Exhibition

‘Auschwitz’ exhibition closes its doors in New York after having received 200,000 visitors

After the great reception during its stay at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York, the exhibition is preparing its opening in Kansas City (MO)

New York, NY. May 2, 2021—. After two years of stay at the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, located in the heart of Manhattan, and having received nearly 200,000 visitors and more than 50,000 educational groups, the exhibition ‘Auschwitz. Not a long ago. Not far away’ closes its doors in New York.

The exhibition opened for the first time in the United States in May 2019 and thanks to the success and great reception of different groups, such as the education sector, it has extended its stay in the country several times, being Kansas City (MO) its next stop. Thus, people in other parts of the United States will have the possibility to learn about the history behind Auschwitz, the largest German nazi concentration camp, where more than 1,100,000 people were murdered.

Starting June 14, Union Station will take over and host ‘Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away’ in Kansas City (MO), where there is already great expectation. Citizens of the state of Missouri and its surrounding areas will have the opportunity to enjoy the most comprehensive exposition on the Holocaust ever presented in the United States.

Co-produced by Musealia and the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, the exhibition, with more than 700 original objects and 400 photographs, is an emotional and rigorous journey through one of the darkest chapters in human history; it invites us to reflect on the dangers of hatred, intolerance and antisemitism, and confronts us with the limits of human barbarism.